As we are a soft play centre where kids play and have fun it’s very important that we all work together to keep our centre as sanitised as we can so that we can continue to play safely.
From our part we:
- Temperature checks on entry
- Limited numbers in play sessions
- Hand sanitation every 30mins
- Cleaning throughout play sessions and in between
- One Party per time policy (for now)
- No ball pool (for now)
- Fully trained Covid-19 Staff
- Temperature check staff
- Covid Disclaimer upon entry
What we would ask you you to do is:
- Sanitise on your way in and sanitise every 30mins from that point
- Washing your hands is still the best form of protection against the spread of Covid – please encourage your child to do that
- Do not come into Huckleberry’s if your child or you are anyway unwell. This includes a runny nose, a sore throat, a cough or a temperature but we would also encourage that if you are unwell in anyway that you do not come into Huckleberry’s Den
Please note:
- All children must be accompanied by a responsible adult at all times. Huckleberry’s Den does not accept responsibility for the supervision of your children.
- Huckleberry’s is suitable for children from 0-9 years of age.
- Children should use the toilet and wash their hands and sanitise themselves before entering the play zone, so we can minimise the spread of germs and keep everybody healthy and happy.
- Please leave badges, phones and jewellery with a responsible adult in your team. Glasses should only be worn if used with a retainer and shatter proof lenses.
- All shoes must be placed in the shelves provided before entering the play zone. Socks must be worn at all times.
- If you have a child in your party who does not have socks please contact a member of staff and we can provide you with a pair to purchase
- Playtime is 1½ hours in the play zone If you require changes to these time this must be discussed at the time of booking.
- We recommend to parents/guardians that children wear long sleeves and trousers / leggings.
- Clothes with ropes and cords should not be worn in the play area. These could get caught in the equipment and endanger your child.
- Birthday Cake candles can only be alighted in the Party Rooms provided or at the discretion of staff.
- Children who are unwell should not enter the play zone area.
- Parents/Guardians are responsible for the behaviour and well being of each child in their care and must maintain supervision at all times.
- For Health and Safety reasons, only food purchased at Huckleberry’s Den may be consumed on the premises.